Monday, November 7, 2011


Posted by PicasaGarden ponds can be excellent wildlife habitats, and can make a contribution to the protection of freshwater wildlife Invertebrate animals such as dragonflies and water beetles, and amphibians can colonise new ponds quickly. Garden pond owners have the potential to make many original and valuable observations about the ecology of small water bodies, which garden ponds replicate.
Garden ponds also cause problems. In particular, garden ponds can be pathways for the spread of invasive non-native plants. In the UK the non-native species Crassula helmsii and Myriophyllum aquaticum, which cause considerable practical problems in protecting freshwaters, are both escaped invasive species from garden ponds.

Friday, October 28, 2011

This Diwali

Diwali, popularly called Deepavali in some parts of India, is a festival which we all long for every year. The preparations for Deepavali start long before the festival date.

First, the excitement for us would be the new dresses that are bought to be worn for Deepavali. Since Deepavali is a festival for more than 2 days, we have 2 or 3 new dresses. Apart from this all elders visiting us buy us sweets and dresses also. Jeans, T shirts, Trousers and shirts were all bought for me by my parents.

The other major excitement for Deepavali is the bursting of crackers and fireworks. This year we burst lot of crackers. Earlier I used to be afraid of crackers. Now I have got over the fear of bursting crackers. My parents tell me that I have to be very careful while bursting. I followed their advice and there was no fire accident also. Sparklers, Rockets, Ground Chakkars and Flower pots were our favorites besides the Thousand thousand sparks bomb.

The third rejoicing aspect of Deepavali is the eating of sweets. We visit relatives and friends with sweets and snacks. They also visit us with sweets and snacks. We seek their blessings on the festival day. Gulab jamun, Laddoos, Halwas and Kaju cakes were my favorites.

My grandmother tells me that the victory of Good over Evil is the reason for this celebration. She also says that the festival is to mark the return of Rama to Ayodhya after his defeat of Ravana.

Lots of people also start new ventures on this day after performing Lakshmi Puja. This is marked by lighting of lamps, candles and diyas by the women folk in the family. The light and colour add to the celebrations. 

In all, I can say that Deepavali is the brightest festival to be celebrated in India. The delicious food associated with the feast makes us feel that this festival must come more often in a year. 
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rain time in my village.

my home 
Climate change is one of the greatest environmental issues of our time.
We need to act quickly and take advantage of existing solutions to prevent irreversible damage to our planet. Natural ecosystems provide significant opportunities to cut emissions dramatically and to preserve the adaptive potential of our biosphere.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to fish catching

Posted by PicasaH.D.A.Aravinkaraa(Nanthar)
Bait fishing is one of the easiest ways to catch fish. The approaches to catching fish are many--fly fishing, spinner fishing, jig fishing, trolling, and snagging to name a few—bait fishing is a good method for the beginning fisherman or fisherwoman. Bait fishing offers both simplicity and effectiveness for anglers. It is simple in that one only has to bait up a hook and throw the line in the water, and it is effective because the presence of live bait is a temptation that no fish can resist!
It is said that if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you'll feed him for a lifetime. This article can help you feed your self fish for years to come!


  1. Choose a location
  2. Choose your bait, and your hooks
  3. Choose the appropriate bait fishing method
  4. Cast your line, or place it in the water and wait for a bite
  5. Wait
  6. Hook that fish
  7. Pull the fish in by pumping and lifting the rod vertically while simultaneously reeling
  8. Grab hold of the fish
  9. Remove the hook
  10. Decide if you are catching and releasing or keeping the fish
  11. Repeat the process
  12. Do you know more tips!
  13. GO to this web site........

Vaani Coconut Garden

Posted by PicasaConsumers hit hard by rising coconut prices


RAMANATHAPURAM: Though the coconut farmers across the State seem to be happy over the high prices for their produce, the consumers are hit hard by the rising prices of tender coconut, coconut and copra during the last two months.
Though the districts in the proximity of Western Ghats such as Coimbatore, Dindigul top the list in coconut production, Ramanathapuram district also contributes to nearly one tenth of it. Coconut is being cultivated on around 25,000 acres.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


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Several species of squirrels have melanisticphases. In large parts of United States and Canada, the most common variety seen in urban areas is the melanistic form of the Eastern Gray Squirrel.

Squirrel eating a peanut
Squirrels breed once or twice a year, and give birth to a varying number of young after three to six weeks, depending on species. The young are born naked, toothless, and blind. In most species of squirrel, only the female looks after the young, which are weaned at around six to ten weeks of age and become sexually mature at the end of their first year. Ground dwelling species are generally social animals, often living in well-developed colonies, but the tree-dwelling species are more solitary.[5]
Ground and tree squirrels are typically diurnal, while flying squirrels tend to be nocturnal—except for lactating flying squirrels and their offspring which have a period of diurnality during the summer.[8]


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Traditional villages

Although many patterns of village life have existed, the typical village was small, consisting of perhaps 5 to 30 families. Homes were situated together for sociability and defence, and land surrounding the living quarters was farmed. Traditional fishing villages were based on artisan fishing and located adjacent to fishing grounds.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pamban Bridge

The Pamban Bridge or Indira Bridge (Annai Indira Sethu) named after the ex- Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, is on the Palk Strait & connects Pamban in the island Rameswaram to Mandapam in mainland India. It is a twin bridge system, one (the much older one) is a railway bridge & the newer one is a road bridge constructed in 1988 at a higher level than the older one.The name refers to both the road bridge and the railway bridge, though originally the name Pamban bridge was used to mean the latter. It was India's first sea bridge. It is the second longest sea bridge in India (after Bandra-Worli Sea Link) & is about  2.3 km long. The railway bridge  was opened for traffic in 1914. The railroad bridge has a still-functioning double-leaf bascule bridge section that can be raised to let ships pass under the bridge.
The railway bridge historically carried meter-gauge trains on it, but Indian Railways upgraded the bridge to carry broad-gauge trains since 2007. Many ships — cargo carriers, coast guard ships, fishing vessels and oil tankers — pass through the bridge regularly.
The scene of a long train crosssing the sea on this guard-less bridge is really awesome.


Posted by PicasaDhanush Koti 

(meaning - The Bow's End) is a tiny hamlet

in Rameshwaram on the South Indian East Coast.
Destroyed almost completely by nature's fury more than 50 years ago , this place is a grim reminder of what mother nature can do on her day. This discussion will be about
rehabilitation of people victimised by nature's fury
throughout the world, and to invite people to visit
Dhanushkoti and witness an eerie calmness that prevails.

Anyone who wants to participate in an invigorating
discussion about natural disasters and their aftermath
are welcome.